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How Do We Respond?

Hello again! It has been a long time, and for that, I apologize.

A Personal Update

This semester has been marked with many changes. My major officially changed to interdisciplinary studies—so instead of spending my time in a chem lab, I spend extra time reading my bible and writing papers—a different type of work, but fulfilling, nonetheless. I was given a student leadership position across campus, which required me to pack everything and move out in January. I began and recently finished an internship at Gospel Community Church. And on top of it all, I finished training and ran my first Ultramarathon back on April 20th.  

Reflections on Writing and Spiritual Growth

Just because this semester was chaotic doesn’t mean that I haven’t been writing. I always wanted these blog posts to be the result of an overflow of spiritual formation and the Lord provided just that—a semester to rest, recharge, and prepare. And God prepared me alright. This semester in my Romans class, I was given the task of researching the historical context behind the biblical passages on homosexuality. Through my Apologetics class, I was given the opportunity to converse with pastor and speaker Sam Allberry, a notable Christian voice on sexuality. And next year, I will be student fellow at the Center of Apologetics and Cultural Engagement, surrounded by peers all passionate for community impact. This semester, the Lord has prepared my pack with everything I need to continue strong in the faith and with that, I am finally ready to go all-in with the Path Toward Holiness blog.

As a writer, I've been deeply convicted about accurately portraying my journey with sexuality. My written testimony is still a work in progress, but I have exerted painstaking effort to describe each moment and every emotion, attempting to accurately show the struggle between pursuing the Lord and battling same-sex attraction. Naturally you can understand how my story could ruffle a few feathers in 2024.


Historical Engagement with the LGBT Community

Engaging to the LGBT community can be scary and historically, Christians haven’t handled it well. Some have spoken out with ill-prepared responses, crass humor, or worse yet, silence.

Through Jesus Christ, we have all been given the opportunity to live forever with God in heaven. This news is life-changing! But to withhold this news from the LGBT community for fear of being canceled is just giving Satan free rein over a whole group of people. Satan loves our silence, and he loves our spiritual passivity. He would desire nothing more than to have Christians afraid of sharing the gospel, keeping their faiths hidden behind closed doors. Satan has currently twisted the Christian message of hope and convinced millions it’s a message of condemnation. We must use our voices to respond, speaking life amidst all of the darkness.

Modern Day Engagement with the LGBT Community

Maybe the reason you haven’t witnessed to your LGBT friends isn’t because you’re afraid, but simply don’t feel equipped. Honestly speaking, it is logical to think because you have never struggled with your sexuality you aren’t meant to engage. The voice inside your head that tells you to be silent, or to sit back, is not the Spirit of the Lord. You are equipped, fully equipped to evangelize, and love our LGBT brothers and sisters. Since the Holy Spirit dwells within each born-again Christian, if you have professed a faith in Jesus Christ, you are given various spiritual gifts. These gifts are designed to show God’s love to everyone, even if you don’t share their specific sin struggle. We all struggle with sin.

Now more than ever before, this blog serves to equip you in having that difficult conversation and then preparing you to answer the difficult questions that result. Although I wish it could, this blog will never serve as a comprehensive “guide to pride”. Although I will try my best to answer common questions Christians have with the LGBT community, you must recognize that I am just one voice on this topic. However, I have so much hope for what is to come. I hope my story humanizes the often-unseen realities of someone who experiences same-sex attraction. I hope my story stirs up a fire in your heart to go share the gospel with someone, regardless of their identity. I hope this blog prepares you to respond to a world that is desperate need of Jesus.

Launch of 'How Do We Respond'

Now, for the big reveal—I am launching a new resource through the Path Toward Holiness Blog, and you have the opportunity to be a part of it! This resource, titled 'How Do We Respond,' differs from many other posts as its sole focus is to provide practical steps for navigating life’s toughest situations. Rather than relying on clichés like 'being salt and light,' the How Do We Respond series integrates real-life narratives with actionable strategies. For example, it will feature Michael, a 20-year-old grappling with how to love his Lesbian cousin Shannon as the sole Christian in his family. It will also include Beth's story, whose brother Matthew and husband Jose recently adopted a 2-year-old daughter. It will share Daniel's experience of keeping his struggle with same-sex attraction private to avoid feeling ostracized by his hallmates. Your story could also be included. How Do We Respond aims to be a practical resource for everyone, and what better way than sharing your own story. Our team, in collaboration with the future online community, will work towards developing personalized responses while ensuring anonymity to protect everyone involved.

Excitement for the Future

I am very excited, and I pray this is the start of a movement; a movement of young Christians who don’t settle with silence and conformity, but instead love with both courage and humility. It won’t be perfect, and we will make mistakes, but if someone asks, “How do we respond”, I hope one day thousands answer, “we respond with love”.

So What Now?

I am currently in the planning and writing phase of 'How Do We Respond,' aiming for an official launch on June 1st. As Pride Month approaches, I encourage you to share your story and personal experiences to help others know they are not alone in what they are facing (or might face soon). Your courage to share can be a lifeline for someone going through similar challenges. If you're looking for book recommendations on sexuality for your summer reading, don't hesitate to reach out! Please feel free to share the 'How Do We Respond' resource with friends or family who might benefit from it, and encourage them to reach out if they have any questions. I'll be available throughout the entire summer to provide support and assistance.

Thanks for reading this blog post and look for more exciting updates in the weeks to come!

How Do We Respond?

We Respond With Expectancy


Do you have any questions about the Christian faith or sexuality?

Do you have your own testimony to share?


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