How Do We Respond to Voting?
Before we get started, it's necessary to clarify that this post won't advocate for voting along party lines, be it Republican or Democrat. If you came here seeking a debate, you'll be disappointed, as I'm not here to push my personal beliefs forcefully. Instead, the focus will be on exploring a biblical approach to voting, sharing how my perspective has evolved over the years, and addressing two controversial issues on the ballot.
A Calling to Glorify God
During a recent Campus Community, a weekly gathering of believers at Liberty University, Josh Rutledge reiterated the fact that the purpose of Christians is to glorify God. Glorifying entails revealing the nature of someone or something else. Jesus was sent to Earth to unveil God's nature, and Christians, as believers in Jesus, continue to reside on Earth with the purpose of reflecting God's character. In this role, we serve as ambassadors for the Kingdom of God, which is present and active among us.
With this understanding of what it means to glorify God by revealing Him to others through what we do, say, and think, we should apply the same perspective to our approach to voting. When we cast our votes, we are reflecting where our priorities and concerns are, and as ambassadors of the King, our priorities should align with His concerns.
I want to emphasize that, even as a Liberty student, I am not asserting that Republicans or right-wing voters align with every concern of heaven. Similarly, I am not suggesting that Democrats or left-wing voters mirror every concern of heaven. Essentially, both parties within the two-party system have their imperfections because we, as humans, are inherently flawed due to our sinful nature. Nevertheless, I hope the remainder of this post will encourage you to reevaluate your past voting choices with a current understanding that our allegiance should ultimately be to the Kingdom of God.
God Wants Your Heart
As a 21-year-old, I've only participated in one presidential election, which took place in 2020. Since then, my life has undergone a profound transformation, as have my priorities. In 2020, I cast my vote for Joe Biden.
Back then, my thought process was influenced by several factors. I supported Joe Biden because he championed the rights of the LGBT community, which, in my perception, would make it easier for me and future generations to feel accepted in educational institutions. I also held a somewhat indifferent stance on abortion, viewing it as a gray area. My rationale was that it didn't affect me directly, as it wasn't my child or my body, and therefore, I believed it should be a matter of personal choice. A choice I truly didn't care about contrary to many I grew up around.
Regrettably, this perspective led me to "draw a line in the sand," as my heart's inclinations openly defied the biblical teachings I had grown up with. For me, Voting for Biden was an act of rejecting the firm principles of the sanctity of life and the image of God. Despite challenging conversations that followed, during which I often concealed my true motives for voting, I felt a sense of empowerment. My vote aligned with my incorrect perception of love, and it was reinforced by my high school, which tolerated and uplifted every lifestyle. I truly believed I was being exceptionally loving.
As I sit here typing this, I'm truly saddened by the past state of my heart. It brings to mind the words from Matthew 6:22-23, which read, "But when your eye is unhealthy, your whole body is filled with darkness. And if the light you think you have is actually darkness, how deep that darkness is!"
During that period of my life, my perspective was indeed clouded, and my "eye" was far from healthy. I was still grappling with an addiction to pornography, engaging in explicit conversations through social media, and leading a double life marked by inappropriate speech and dishonesty. It's no wonder that my heart was shrouded in darkness. What I believed to be a "loving action" was, in reality, an act of defiance, and I perceived it as light. The depth of that darkness becomes all too apparent in hindsight.
As I write this, I want to emphasize a crucial point. The issue in my past decisions wasn't about voting for Democrats; it was about the condition of my heart. The votes we cast do carry significance, but what matters even more is the state of our heart behind that vote. Back then, my heart was deeply entrenched in sin, and it was a struggle marked by hidden, unrepentant sins. My vote was made by a callused and cold heart.
Standing Up for Truth
While my experience involved voting for a Democratic candidate, it's important to note that Christians can, in fact, choose to vote for candidates from various parties, including Democrats. However, if you identify as a Christian, you are called to be an ambassador of heaven. Therefore, your voting decisions should stem from spiritual convictions rather than fear of worldly consequences.
In John 9, we encounter a story about a blind man who received his sight. As the narrative unfolds, the religious leaders questioned the man's parents about his healing. Out of fear of being ostracized from the synagogue, they refrained from answering truthfully and failed to acknowledge Jesus, the one who had miraculously healed their son.
It's essential for each Christian to reflect on their own motivations when casting their vote.
Are you making your choice because it seems easier or out of fear of worldly rejection?
Do you seek to project a facade of progressiveness because you perceive it as a more "loving" stance?
Regardless of the passion invested in political debates, it's crucial to recognize that one's political affiliation, be it Republican or Democrat, does not determine one's access to heaven. Heaven is not reserved exclusively for Republicans or for Democrats. Some individuals from both parties will find their place in heaven, while many will not. Therefore, we must ask ourselves why we invest so heavily in political parties when they cannot provide salvation. Our identity should rest in Christ alone because only He provides authentic stability. All else is an illusion.
Unity between Christians
I believe that there can be unity between Christian Republicans and Democrats, but it can only occur when our voting choices stem from a genuine understanding of biblical principles and convictions. Human emotions are often unreliable, but the Bible, as the unchanging Word of God, provides unwavering guidance. It is applicable across all cultures and eras. If Christians voted with the understanding that the Bible should serve as the foundation for every decision, there would be less conflict. In such a scenario, I could engage in meaningful dialogue with a fellow Christian, even if they were a Democrat, because our beliefs would be rooted in biblical truth. While we might disagree on the practical application of that truth, our shared commitment to Christ's teachings would be a unifying force.
Imagine a world in which Christians from both sides of the political spectrum actively advocated for candidates who upheld biblical standards in office. The world we live in would indeed look significantly different.
As Christians it is our responsibility to engage actively in the process. We should pray for guidance, demand policies and leaders aligned with our spiritual convictions, and vote with hearts that prioritize the Lord's values over any particular political party. This approach can help reshape the political landscape in a way that better reflects the principles and priorities of the Christian faith.
Bible on the Ballot
I feel the need to reflect on two hot button topics of this day and age. Homosexuality and abortion.
Many of my posts explicitly state or imply that I consider participation in the LGBT community as sins. I want to emphasize that this is not to suggest that these sins are worse than others but rather to highlight the importance for Christians to carefully evaluate their choice of candidates. It's vital to assess whether your chosen candidate aligns with a biblical perspective on the LGBT community. Do they endorse the belief that God created male and female with distinct, unalterable features and traits? Additionally, consider their stance on sexual education, whether it should primarily be taught in schools, outside of family, or within church and the home.
A true Biblical understanding of what it means to be made in God’s image and knit together in your mother’s womb clearly reveals that God was intentional with your creation. You were known from the very beginning, as was every single human embryo. Abortion ends in the death of a precious unborn life — an innocent life created and valued by God. We are called to hold to the sanctity of life and to protect the innocent. As such we need to carefully consider whether those we are voting for place the same value on human life. Here are some Biblical passages that discuss the sanctity of life, thus defeating arguments supporting the death of unborn children:
1. Genesis 1:27
2. Genesis 9:6
4. Exodus 23:7
5. Job 10:11-12
6. Job 33:4
7. Psalm 119:73
8. Psalm 100:3
10. Isaiah 44:24
11. Isaiah 45:9-11
12. Isaiah 49:1, 5
13. Isaiah 64:8
14. Jeremiah 1:5
16. Galatians 1:15
The list continues…
Personal Reflection
Vote out of obedience to the Lord.
Vote to point people to Jesus.
Pray for those who are elected into office.
How Do We Respond?
We Respond With Unity
Do you have any questions about the Christian faith or sexuality?
Do you have your own testimony to share?
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