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How Do We Live In Purity?

Recognizing Our Inner Struggles

Every single one of us has faced moments where we've compromised our principles or values. We've exchanged something sacred within us for fleeting gratification. While most have not engaged in the profession of prostitution, many of us bear the weight of hidden struggles. Each of us harbors an inner conflict, a battle between our aspirations and our actions.

In Jeremiah 2:20-22, the Bible vividly illustrates how we were chosen and planted as a vine from "pure stock." Our divine purpose was to radiate greatness and purity, living our lives as an act of worship. However, we've fallen from that original design. The passage poignantly asks, "How did we grow into this corrupt wild vine?" The answer is sin.

Instead of our hearts serving as temples for God, we have desecrated them. We've offered ourselves to false gods, surrendering to our sins. In doing so, we have each lived as if we were prostituting our very beings, tarnishing the purity originally intended for our hearts.

What are some of the false gods we often allow into the temples of our hearts? Here are ten:

1. Pornography: Distorting our view of intimacy and relationships.

2. Vaping: Replacing our health with harmful habits.

3. Profane Speech: Poisoning our communication with negativity.

4. Drunkenness: Numbing our pain with destructive substances.

5. Premarital Sex: Disregarding the sanctity of intimacy.

6. Smoking: Jeopardizing our well-being with addiction.

7. Gossip and Slander: Tearing down others with hurtful words.

8. Bitterness: Holding onto grudges that poison our hearts.

9. Masturbation: Using self-gratification to replace genuine connection.

10. Witchcraft: Dabbling in the occult or seeking power outside of God.

The Biblical Perspective

Each of these false gods can fill the sacred space in our hearts meant for God's presence, leading us away from our true purpose and identity.

Recognizing these influences is the first step toward breaking free from their grip and returning to our original design as vessels of God's love and grace.

But a word of caution to those who do not believe those are not sin, for it says in Jeremiah 2:35 “‘I have done nothing wrong. Surely God isn’t angry with me!’ But now I will punish you severely because you claim you have not sinned.”

Indeed, there is hope! The story of Jesus' encounter with the woman at the well is a powerful illustration of His boundless grace and love. While some commentators may have described her as a woman with a questionable past, Jesus approached her with compassion and a desire to offer her something far greater than the life she had known.

In that transformative conversation, Jesus revealed Himself as the Messiah and the source of living water, offering her a chance at spiritual renewal and eternal life. This encounter beautifully illustrates that God's grace knows no bounds and is extended to all, regardless of their past or present circumstances.

The Path to Redemption

As Jesus demonstrated compassion to the woman at the well, we too are called to extend that same grace and love to each other, recognizing our shared need for God's forgiveness and transformation. This story serves as a profound reminder that through Jesus, hope for redemption and a fresh start is ever-present. However, the initial step on this journey is honesty—being candid about our current life circumstances.

Do you find yourself grappling with any of the challenges listed? Be sincere with God about your struggles, seeking His guidance and forgiveness. Additionally, be open with your community, as James 5:16 advises confessing our sins to one another for healing. The heartfelt prayers of the righteous are potent and yield marvelous results.

Share the 1% of your story.

Be honest with yourself.

Be honest with God.

Be honest with in community.

Together, let's purify our hearts and embark on the path toward holiness, united in our pursuit of a deeper connection with God and one another.


Do you have any questions about the Christian faith or sexuality?

Do you have your own testimony to share?


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